These are the Web pages of Schuler Group GmbH. Schuler Group GmbH is the holding company of the Schuler Group. Central functions such as accounting, controlling, treasury, purchasing, marketing, corporate communications, etc. are located here.
Martin Drasch, CEO
Dr. Peter Jost, COO
Thomas Kamphausen, CFO
Postal address: Schuler Group GmbH, Schuler-Platz 1, D-73033 Göppingen, Germany
Phone: +49 (71 61) 66-0
Fax: +49 (71 61) 66-233
Schuler Group GmbH is entered in the Commercial Register of the District Court of Ulm under the number HRB 743255.
Although all information and data have been produced to the best of our knowledge, we provide no guarantee that they are complete and correct. Schuler Group GmbH has no influence whatsoever on the current or future design and content of those external websites for which links are provided. Consequently, it hereby distances itself expressly from all content on linked pages.
Schuler Group GmbH reserves all rights to the online information provided on this website (text copy, photos, graphics, videos, trademarks etc.). Such items are subject to copyright protection and other legal protection. Any quotation, reproduction, or other dissemination of materials provided on this website requires the prior written permission of Schuler Group GmbH.